Teacher Website

Due Date: Thursday, May 21th

TASK: Create a website for a teacher at TYWLS.

Don't forget to sign up for a teacher to make a site for!

Some teachers are listed a few times because they would like a few websites. Please select ONE.

Teacher Sign Up

This project is to give you the opportunity to raise your CS Practice 2: Creating Computational Artifacts

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Teacher Website: Ms. Lawlor English 9

English 9: Beginning of year

In the beginning of the year we did a six word memoir and i did mine about hearse i saw when diring back to New York from Florida.

Next we read the book "The Perks of being a Wallflower". Which was apart of our coming of age unit. As the performance task we had a write a character change paragraph. We had to choose a character in the book and explained how the changed throughout the story.

English 9: Middle of the year

In the beginning of the unit we went on our only trip this year to see a play called "A Rasin in The Sun" Then we read the play. We also ahd to write a character change paragraph.

Another thing we did was Oral story- telling. We had to plan our speaking in a paragraph. We listened to our teachers presentation of their stories. Then we got to presnet our stories either to the whole close or to a small gorup.

English 9: End of the year

This past week for the end of our unit we made a podcast on something that we feel strongly about.